Everyday Curl Crème 125ml
Regular price £22.00Regular priceUnit price perEveryday Curl Crème 125ml
Regular price £22.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £22.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £22.00Regular priceUnit price per<div id="NqrLpZ7uwW60qGbW"> <div id="wDGnV2TNfWRYkLnO"> <div id="tVmpXgNgz7P2iCXp"> <p class="MsoNormal">The ultimate solution for frizz free hair that last’s all day. The Wavy Everyday Curl Crème locks in a natural balance of movement and hold. Leaving your hair looking naturally textured and effortlessly styled.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Expertly blended with over 98% natural ingredients and naturally scented with lemon, pepper, clary and geranium.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Lasts approx. 30 days, if used daily. </p> </div> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewbox="0 0 14 15" height="15" width="14"></svg></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wQqjE7JKr9xS7d4N"> <div id="aTvoonuP5j5IAcmj"> <div id="vLhDa569RkMAyy8M"></div> </div> </div>Regular price £22.00Regular priceUnit price per -
Daily Kit
Regular price £44.00Regular priceUnit price perDaily Kit
Regular price £44.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £44.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £44.00Regular priceUnit price per<div id="NqrLpZ7uwW60qGbW"> <div id="wDGnV2TNfWRYkLnO"> <div id="tVmpXgNgz7P2iCXp"> <p class="MsoNormal">The ultimate solution for frizz free hair that last’s all day. The Wavy Everyday Curl Crème locks in a natural balance of movement and hold. Leaving your hair looking naturally textured and effortlessly styled.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Expertly blended with over 98% natural ingredients and naturally scented with lemon, pepper, clary and geranium.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Lasts approx. 30 days, if used daily. </p> <p class="MsoNormal"> </p> </div> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewbox="0 0 14 15" height="15" width="14"> <path fill="black" d="M11.8125 4.43729H9.89406C9.91539 4.41924 9.93727 4.40174 9.95805 4.3826C10.1241 4.23504 10.258 4.0548 10.3512 3.85314C10.4445 3.65149 10.4951 3.43276 10.5 3.21065C10.5072 2.96766 10.4646 2.72576 10.3749 2.49981C10.2853 2.27386 10.1503 2.06863 9.97847 1.89671C9.8066 1.72478 9.60141 1.58981 9.37549 1.50005C9.14956 1.4103 8.90768 1.36768 8.66469 1.37479C8.44248 1.37957 8.22365 1.43018 8.02189 1.52343C7.82014 1.61669 7.63981 1.75058 7.49219 1.91674C7.28792 2.15348 7.12186 2.42065 7 2.70862C6.87814 2.42065 6.71208 2.15348 6.50781 1.91674C6.36019 1.75058 6.17986 1.61669 5.97811 1.52343C5.77635 1.43018 5.55752 1.37957 5.33531 1.37479C5.09232 1.36768 4.85044 1.4103 4.62451 1.50005C4.39859 1.58981 4.1934 1.72478 4.02153 1.89671C3.84966 2.06863 3.71474 2.27386 3.62506 2.49981C3.53537 2.72576 3.49282 2.96766 3.5 3.21065C3.50486 3.43276 3.5555 3.65149 3.64875 3.85314C3.742 4.0548 3.87586 4.23504 4.04195 4.3826C4.06273 4.40065 4.08461 4.41815 4.10594 4.43729H2.1875C1.95544 4.43729 1.73288 4.52947 1.56878 4.69357C1.40469 4.85766 1.3125 5.08022 1.3125 5.31229V7.06229C1.3125 7.29435 1.40469 7.51691 1.56878 7.68101C1.73288 7.8451 1.95544 7.93729 2.1875 7.93729V11.4373C2.1875 11.6694 2.27969 11.8919 2.44378 12.056C2.60788 12.2201 2.83044 12.3123 3.0625 12.3123H10.9375C11.1696 12.3123 11.3921 12.2201 11.5562 12.056C11.7203 11.8919 11.8125 11.6694 11.8125 11.4373V7.93729C12.0446 7.93729 12.2671 7.8451 12.4312 7.68101C12.5953 7.51691 12.6875 7.29435 12.6875 7.06229V5.31229C12.6875 5.08022 12.5953 4.85766 12.4312 4.69357C12.2671 4.52947 12.0446 4.43729 11.8125 4.43729ZM8.14844 2.49643C8.21771 2.41993 8.30205 2.35858 8.39616 2.31623C8.49027 2.27388 8.59212 2.25145 8.69531 2.25033H8.72211C8.84306 2.25109 8.96264 2.27598 9.07385 2.32354C9.18506 2.37111 9.28566 2.44039 9.36975 2.52733C9.45384 2.61428 9.51973 2.71713 9.56356 2.82986C9.60739 2.94259 9.62828 3.06294 9.625 3.18385C9.62389 3.28704 9.60145 3.38889 9.5591 3.483C9.51675 3.57711 9.4554 3.66145 9.37891 3.73072C8.85992 4.1901 7.99859 4.35197 7.46484 4.40885C7.53047 3.82971 7.71094 2.98807 8.14844 2.49643ZM4.64352 2.51612C4.81302 2.34663 5.04257 2.25092 5.28227 2.24979H5.30906C5.41226 2.2509 5.51411 2.27334 5.60822 2.31569C5.70233 2.35804 5.78667 2.41938 5.85594 2.49588C6.31477 3.01432 6.47664 3.87401 6.53352 4.40557C6.00195 4.35088 5.14227 4.18682 4.62383 3.72799C4.54733 3.65872 4.48598 3.57438 4.44363 3.48027C4.40128 3.38616 4.37885 3.28431 4.37773 3.18112C4.37434 3.0582 4.39596 2.93587 4.44127 2.82156C4.48658 2.70724 4.55464 2.60333 4.64133 2.51612H4.64352ZM2.1875 5.31229H6.5625V7.06229H2.1875V5.31229ZM3.0625 7.93729H6.5625V11.4373H3.0625V7.93729ZM10.9375 11.4373H7.4375V7.93729H10.9375V11.4373ZM11.8125 7.06229H7.4375V5.31229H11.8125V7.06229Z"></path> </svg> <p>Free Custom Wavy Key</p> </div> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewbox="0 0 14 15" height="15" width="14"> <path fill="black" d="M11.8125 4.43729H9.89406C9.91539 4.41924 9.93727 4.40174 9.95805 4.3826C10.1241 4.23504 10.258 4.0548 10.3512 3.85314C10.4445 3.65149 10.4951 3.43276 10.5 3.21065C10.5072 2.96766 10.4646 2.72576 10.3749 2.49981C10.2853 2.27386 10.1503 2.06863 9.97847 1.89671C9.8066 1.72478 9.60141 1.58981 9.37549 1.50005C9.14956 1.4103 8.90768 1.36768 8.66469 1.37479C8.44248 1.37957 8.22365 1.43018 8.02189 1.52343C7.82014 1.61669 7.63981 1.75058 7.49219 1.91674C7.28792 2.15348 7.12186 2.42065 7 2.70862C6.87814 2.42065 6.71208 2.15348 6.50781 1.91674C6.36019 1.75058 6.17986 1.61669 5.97811 1.52343C5.77635 1.43018 5.55752 1.37957 5.33531 1.37479C5.09232 1.36768 4.85044 1.4103 4.62451 1.50005C4.39859 1.58981 4.1934 1.72478 4.02153 1.89671C3.84966 2.06863 3.71474 2.27386 3.62506 2.49981C3.53537 2.72576 3.49282 2.96766 3.5 3.21065C3.50486 3.43276 3.5555 3.65149 3.64875 3.85314C3.742 4.0548 3.87586 4.23504 4.04195 4.3826C4.06273 4.40065 4.08461 4.41815 4.10594 4.43729H2.1875C1.95544 4.43729 1.73288 4.52947 1.56878 4.69357C1.40469 4.85766 1.3125 5.08022 1.3125 5.31229V7.06229C1.3125 7.29435 1.40469 7.51691 1.56878 7.68101C1.73288 7.8451 1.95544 7.93729 2.1875 7.93729V11.4373C2.1875 11.6694 2.27969 11.8919 2.44378 12.056C2.60788 12.2201 2.83044 12.3123 3.0625 12.3123H10.9375C11.1696 12.3123 11.3921 12.2201 11.5562 12.056C11.7203 11.8919 11.8125 11.6694 11.8125 11.4373V7.93729C12.0446 7.93729 12.2671 7.8451 12.4312 7.68101C12.5953 7.51691 12.6875 7.29435 12.6875 7.06229V5.31229C12.6875 5.08022 12.5953 4.85766 12.4312 4.69357C12.2671 4.52947 12.0446 4.43729 11.8125 4.43729ZM8.14844 2.49643C8.21771 2.41993 8.30205 2.35858 8.39616 2.31623C8.49027 2.27388 8.59212 2.25145 8.69531 2.25033H8.72211C8.84306 2.25109 8.96264 2.27598 9.07385 2.32354C9.18506 2.37111 9.28566 2.44039 9.36975 2.52733C9.45384 2.61428 9.51973 2.71713 9.56356 2.82986C9.60739 2.94259 9.62828 3.06294 9.625 3.18385C9.62389 3.28704 9.60145 3.38889 9.5591 3.483C9.51675 3.57711 9.4554 3.66145 9.37891 3.73072C8.85992 4.1901 7.99859 4.35197 7.46484 4.40885C7.53047 3.82971 7.71094 2.98807 8.14844 2.49643ZM4.64352 2.51612C4.81302 2.34663 5.04257 2.25092 5.28227 2.24979H5.30906C5.41226 2.2509 5.51411 2.27334 5.60822 2.31569C5.70233 2.35804 5.78667 2.41938 5.85594 2.49588C6.31477 3.01432 6.47664 3.87401 6.53352 4.40557C6.00195 4.35088 5.14227 4.18682 4.62383 3.72799C4.54733 3.65872 4.48598 3.57438 4.44363 3.48027C4.40128 3.38616 4.37885 3.28431 4.37773 3.18112C4.37434 3.0582 4.39596 2.93587 4.44127 2.82156C4.48658 2.70724 4.55464 2.60333 4.64133 2.51612H4.64352ZM2.1875 5.31229H6.5625V7.06229H2.1875V5.31229ZM3.0625 7.93729H6.5625V11.4373H3.0625V7.93729ZM10.9375 11.4373H7.4375V7.93729H10.9375V11.4373ZM11.8125 7.06229H7.4375V5.31229H11.8125V7.06229Z"></path> </svg> <p><meta charset="utf-8"><meta charset="utf-8"><span></span><span></span><span>Free <meta charset="utf-8">Silicone Bag</span></p> </div> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill="none" viewbox="0 0 14 15" height="15" width="14"> <path fill="black" d="M11.8125 4.43729H9.89406C9.91539 4.41924 9.93727 4.40174 9.95805 4.3826C10.1241 4.23504 10.258 4.0548 10.3512 3.85314C10.4445 3.65149 10.4951 3.43276 10.5 3.21065C10.5072 2.96766 10.4646 2.72576 10.3749 2.49981C10.2853 2.27386 10.1503 2.06863 9.97847 1.89671C9.8066 1.72478 9.60141 1.58981 9.37549 1.50005C9.14956 1.4103 8.90768 1.36768 8.66469 1.37479C8.44248 1.37957 8.22365 1.43018 8.02189 1.52343C7.82014 1.61669 7.63981 1.75058 7.49219 1.91674C7.28792 2.15348 7.12186 2.42065 7 2.70862C6.87814 2.42065 6.71208 2.15348 6.50781 1.91674C6.36019 1.75058 6.17986 1.61669 5.97811 1.52343C5.77635 1.43018 5.55752 1.37957 5.33531 1.37479C5.09232 1.36768 4.85044 1.4103 4.62451 1.50005C4.39859 1.58981 4.1934 1.72478 4.02153 1.89671C3.84966 2.06863 3.71474 2.27386 3.62506 2.49981C3.53537 2.72576 3.49282 2.96766 3.5 3.21065C3.50486 3.43276 3.5555 3.65149 3.64875 3.85314C3.742 4.0548 3.87586 4.23504 4.04195 4.3826C4.06273 4.40065 4.08461 4.41815 4.10594 4.43729H2.1875C1.95544 4.43729 1.73288 4.52947 1.56878 4.69357C1.40469 4.85766 1.3125 5.08022 1.3125 5.31229V7.06229C1.3125 7.29435 1.40469 7.51691 1.56878 7.68101C1.73288 7.8451 1.95544 7.93729 2.1875 7.93729V11.4373C2.1875 11.6694 2.27969 11.8919 2.44378 12.056C2.60788 12.2201 2.83044 12.3123 3.0625 12.3123H10.9375C11.1696 12.3123 11.3921 12.2201 11.5562 12.056C11.7203 11.8919 11.8125 11.6694 11.8125 11.4373V7.93729C12.0446 7.93729 12.2671 7.8451 12.4312 7.68101C12.5953 7.51691 12.6875 7.29435 12.6875 7.06229V5.31229C12.6875 5.08022 12.5953 4.85766 12.4312 4.69357C12.2671 4.52947 12.0446 4.43729 11.8125 4.43729ZM8.14844 2.49643C8.21771 2.41993 8.30205 2.35858 8.39616 2.31623C8.49027 2.27388 8.59212 2.25145 8.69531 2.25033H8.72211C8.84306 2.25109 8.96264 2.27598 9.07385 2.32354C9.18506 2.37111 9.28566 2.44039 9.36975 2.52733C9.45384 2.61428 9.51973 2.71713 9.56356 2.82986C9.60739 2.94259 9.62828 3.06294 9.625 3.18385C9.62389 3.28704 9.60145 3.38889 9.5591 3.483C9.51675 3.57711 9.4554 3.66145 9.37891 3.73072C8.85992 4.1901 7.99859 4.35197 7.46484 4.40885C7.53047 3.82971 7.71094 2.98807 8.14844 2.49643ZM4.64352 2.51612C4.81302 2.34663 5.04257 2.25092 5.28227 2.24979H5.30906C5.41226 2.2509 5.51411 2.27334 5.60822 2.31569C5.70233 2.35804 5.78667 2.41938 5.85594 2.49588C6.31477 3.01432 6.47664 3.87401 6.53352 4.40557C6.00195 4.35088 5.14227 4.18682 4.62383 3.72799C4.54733 3.65872 4.48598 3.57438 4.44363 3.48027C4.40128 3.38616 4.37885 3.28431 4.37773 3.18112C4.37434 3.0582 4.39596 2.93587 4.44127 2.82156C4.48658 2.70724 4.55464 2.60333 4.64133 2.51612H4.64352ZM2.1875 5.31229H6.5625V7.06229H2.1875V5.31229ZM3.0625 7.93729H6.5625V11.4373H3.0625V7.93729ZM10.9375 11.4373H7.4375V7.93729H10.9375V11.4373ZM11.8125 7.06229H7.4375V5.31229H11.8125V7.06229Z"></path> </svg> <p><span>Free UK Shipping</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wQqjE7JKr9xS7d4N"> <div id="aTvoonuP5j5IAcmj"> <div id="vLhDa569RkMAyy8M"></div> </div> </div>Regular price £44.00Regular priceUnit price per -
Everyday Curl Crème 65ml
Regular price £16.00Regular priceUnit price perEveryday Curl Crème 65ml
Regular price £16.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £16.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £16.00Regular priceUnit price per<div id="NqrLpZ7uwW60qGbW"> <div id="wDGnV2TNfWRYkLnO"> <div id="tVmpXgNgz7P2iCXp"> <p class="MsoNormal">The Everyday Curl Crème, now in a Travel Size. Whether you're jetting off for the weekend, exploring the city or hitting the gym, our Travel Size is the perfect companion. </p> <p class="MsoNormal">Locks in a natural balance of movement and hold. Leaving your hair looking naturally textured and effortlessly styled.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Expertly blended with over 98% natural ingredients and naturally scented with lemon, pepper, clary and geranium.</p> <p class="MsoNormal">Lasts approx. 7-10 days, if used daily. </p> </div> <div style="display: flex;" class="gift-box"> <p><svg width="14" height="15" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"></svg></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wQqjE7JKr9xS7d4N"> <div id="aTvoonuP5j5IAcmj"> <div id="vLhDa569RkMAyy8M"></div> </div> </div>Regular price £16.00Regular priceUnit price per -
Travel Kit
Regular price £32.00Regular priceUnit price perTravel Kit
Regular price £32.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £32.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £32.00Regular priceUnit price per<div id="NqrLpZ7uwW60qGbW"> <div id="wDGnV2TNfWRYkLnO"> <div id="tVmpXgNgz7P2iCXp"> <p>Featuring x2 of our Travel Size Everyday Curl Crème (65ml), best for travel, on-the-go and trips abroad.</p> <p> </p> <p>+ Our Wavy Key, a sleek metal turn key to help you squeeze every last drop out of the tube</p> <p> </p> <p>+ Our signature Travel Bag; crafted out of silicone, the Travel Bag is a perfect travel accessory to hold all your Wavy and more.<br><br><meta charset="utf-8"></p> <p> </p> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <div class="gift-box" style="display: flex;"> <div id="NqrLpZ7uwW60qGbW"> <div id="wDGnV2TNfWRYkLnO"> <div style="display: flex;" class="gift-box"> <svg width="14" height="15" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M11.8125 4.43729H9.89406C9.91539 4.41924 9.93727 4.40174 9.95805 4.3826C10.1241 4.23504 10.258 4.0548 10.3512 3.85314C10.4445 3.65149 10.4951 3.43276 10.5 3.21065C10.5072 2.96766 10.4646 2.72576 10.3749 2.49981C10.2853 2.27386 10.1503 2.06863 9.97847 1.89671C9.8066 1.72478 9.60141 1.58981 9.37549 1.50005C9.14956 1.4103 8.90768 1.36768 8.66469 1.37479C8.44248 1.37957 8.22365 1.43018 8.02189 1.52343C7.82014 1.61669 7.63981 1.75058 7.49219 1.91674C7.28792 2.15348 7.12186 2.42065 7 2.70862C6.87814 2.42065 6.71208 2.15348 6.50781 1.91674C6.36019 1.75058 6.17986 1.61669 5.97811 1.52343C5.77635 1.43018 5.55752 1.37957 5.33531 1.37479C5.09232 1.36768 4.85044 1.4103 4.62451 1.50005C4.39859 1.58981 4.1934 1.72478 4.02153 1.89671C3.84966 2.06863 3.71474 2.27386 3.62506 2.49981C3.53537 2.72576 3.49282 2.96766 3.5 3.21065C3.50486 3.43276 3.5555 3.65149 3.64875 3.85314C3.742 4.0548 3.87586 4.23504 4.04195 4.3826C4.06273 4.40065 4.08461 4.41815 4.10594 4.43729H2.1875C1.95544 4.43729 1.73288 4.52947 1.56878 4.69357C1.40469 4.85766 1.3125 5.08022 1.3125 5.31229V7.06229C1.3125 7.29435 1.40469 7.51691 1.56878 7.68101C1.73288 7.8451 1.95544 7.93729 2.1875 7.93729V11.4373C2.1875 11.6694 2.27969 11.8919 2.44378 12.056C2.60788 12.2201 2.83044 12.3123 3.0625 12.3123H10.9375C11.1696 12.3123 11.3921 12.2201 11.5562 12.056C11.7203 11.8919 11.8125 11.6694 11.8125 11.4373V7.93729C12.0446 7.93729 12.2671 7.8451 12.4312 7.68101C12.5953 7.51691 12.6875 7.29435 12.6875 7.06229V5.31229C12.6875 5.08022 12.5953 4.85766 12.4312 4.69357C12.2671 4.52947 12.0446 4.43729 11.8125 4.43729ZM8.14844 2.49643C8.21771 2.41993 8.30205 2.35858 8.39616 2.31623C8.49027 2.27388 8.59212 2.25145 8.69531 2.25033H8.72211C8.84306 2.25109 8.96264 2.27598 9.07385 2.32354C9.18506 2.37111 9.28566 2.44039 9.36975 2.52733C9.45384 2.61428 9.51973 2.71713 9.56356 2.82986C9.60739 2.94259 9.62828 3.06294 9.625 3.18385C9.62389 3.28704 9.60145 3.38889 9.5591 3.483C9.51675 3.57711 9.4554 3.66145 9.37891 3.73072C8.85992 4.1901 7.99859 4.35197 7.46484 4.40885C7.53047 3.82971 7.71094 2.98807 8.14844 2.49643ZM4.64352 2.51612C4.81302 2.34663 5.04257 2.25092 5.28227 2.24979H5.30906C5.41226 2.2509 5.51411 2.27334 5.60822 2.31569C5.70233 2.35804 5.78667 2.41938 5.85594 2.49588C6.31477 3.01432 6.47664 3.87401 6.53352 4.40557C6.00195 4.35088 5.14227 4.18682 4.62383 3.72799C4.54733 3.65872 4.48598 3.57438 4.44363 3.48027C4.40128 3.38616 4.37885 3.28431 4.37773 3.18112C4.37434 3.0582 4.39596 2.93587 4.44127 2.82156C4.48658 2.70724 4.55464 2.60333 4.64133 2.51612H4.64352ZM2.1875 5.31229H6.5625V7.06229H2.1875V5.31229ZM3.0625 7.93729H6.5625V11.4373H3.0625V7.93729ZM10.9375 11.4373H7.4375V7.93729H10.9375V11.4373ZM11.8125 7.06229H7.4375V5.31229H11.8125V7.06229Z" fill="black"></path> </svg> <p>Free Custom Wavy Key</p> </div> <div style="display: flex;" class="gift-box"> <svg width="14" height="15" viewbox="0 0 14 15" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M11.8125 4.43729H9.89406C9.91539 4.41924 9.93727 4.40174 9.95805 4.3826C10.1241 4.23504 10.258 4.0548 10.3512 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5.31229V7.06229C1.3125 7.29435 1.40469 7.51691 1.56878 7.68101C1.73288 7.8451 1.95544 7.93729 2.1875 7.93729V11.4373C2.1875 11.6694 2.27969 11.8919 2.44378 12.056C2.60788 12.2201 2.83044 12.3123 3.0625 12.3123H10.9375C11.1696 12.3123 11.3921 12.2201 11.5562 12.056C11.7203 11.8919 11.8125 11.6694 11.8125 11.4373V7.93729C12.0446 7.93729 12.2671 7.8451 12.4312 7.68101C12.5953 7.51691 12.6875 7.29435 12.6875 7.06229V5.31229C12.6875 5.08022 12.5953 4.85766 12.4312 4.69357C12.2671 4.52947 12.0446 4.43729 11.8125 4.43729ZM8.14844 2.49643C8.21771 2.41993 8.30205 2.35858 8.39616 2.31623C8.49027 2.27388 8.59212 2.25145 8.69531 2.25033H8.72211C8.84306 2.25109 8.96264 2.27598 9.07385 2.32354C9.18506 2.37111 9.28566 2.44039 9.36975 2.52733C9.45384 2.61428 9.51973 2.71713 9.56356 2.82986C9.60739 2.94259 9.62828 3.06294 9.625 3.18385C9.62389 3.28704 9.60145 3.38889 9.5591 3.483C9.51675 3.57711 9.4554 3.66145 9.37891 3.73072C8.85992 4.1901 7.99859 4.35197 7.46484 4.40885C7.53047 3.82971 7.71094 2.98807 8.14844 2.49643ZM4.64352 2.51612C4.81302 2.34663 5.04257 2.25092 5.28227 2.24979H5.30906C5.41226 2.2509 5.51411 2.27334 5.60822 2.31569C5.70233 2.35804 5.78667 2.41938 5.85594 2.49588C6.31477 3.01432 6.47664 3.87401 6.53352 4.40557C6.00195 4.35088 5.14227 4.18682 4.62383 3.72799C4.54733 3.65872 4.48598 3.57438 4.44363 3.48027C4.40128 3.38616 4.37885 3.28431 4.37773 3.18112C4.37434 3.0582 4.39596 2.93587 4.44127 2.82156C4.48658 2.70724 4.55464 2.60333 4.64133 2.51612H4.64352ZM2.1875 5.31229H6.5625V7.06229H2.1875V5.31229ZM3.0625 7.93729H6.5625V11.4373H3.0625V7.93729ZM10.9375 11.4373H7.4375V7.93729H10.9375V11.4373ZM11.8125 7.06229H7.4375V5.31229H11.8125V7.06229Z" fill="black"></path> </svg> <p><span>Free UK Shipping</span></p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wQqjE7JKr9xS7d4N"> <div id="aTvoonuP5j5IAcmj"> <div id="vLhDa569RkMAyy8M"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="wQqjE7JKr9xS7d4N"> <div id="aTvoonuP5j5IAcmj"> <div id="vLhDa569RkMAyy8M"></div> </div> </div>Regular price £32.00Regular priceUnit price per -
The Ultimate Wavy Kit
Regular price £80.00Regular priceUnit price perThe Ultimate Wavy Kit
Regular price £80.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £80.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £80.00Regular priceUnit price per<div>The Ultimate Kit Includes everything you need for perfect curls. Two of our best seller, The Everyday Curl Creme 125ml, keeping your curls defined and styled. The Wavy hair towel, for faster drying and less fizz. The Wavy Washbag, to keep your Wavy essentials organised. Plus our Wavy Key, in an exclusive gold, designed to help you squeeze every last drop. Dust bag included for safe travelling. </div>Regular price £80.00Regular priceUnit price per -
Nylon Premium Washbag
Regular price £40.00Regular priceUnit price perNylon Premium Washbag
Regular price £40.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £40.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £40.00Regular priceUnit price per<div>Handcrafted from premium Nylon, our washbag is built to last. Thoughtfully designed with both internal and external zip pockets, featuring the signature Wavy logo on the front and a sleek main zipper closure. Whether keeping it in your bathroom at home or travelling around the world, your Wavy essentials are always organised and ready to go. Arrives with a branded dust bag for safe travelling. </div> <div><br></div> <div> <meta charset="utf-8"> <div>Length: 22.8cm</div> <div>Height: 13cm</div> <div>Width: 8cm </div> </div>Regular price £40.00Regular priceUnit price per -
Wavy Hair Towel
Regular price £18.00Regular priceUnit price perWavy Hair Towel
Regular price £18.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £18.00Regular priceUnit price perRegular price £18.00Regular priceUnit price per<div>Crafted from 100% Cotton, our hair towel is designed to dry your hair faster and absorb moisture way better than your standard bathroom towel. It's gentle on your hair and scalp, helping to reduce frizz and breakage. Pair it with our Everyday Curl Crème, and you'll find styling your hair easier than ever. </div> <div><br></div> <div><span>49x69cm</span></div>Regular price £18.00Regular priceUnit price per